Kipling’s Tavern
Normally a cozy little pub with a friendly one-of-the-family atmosphere. A litttle rowdy and fun on friday and saturday nights.
During the day and evenings warm wood designs and comfy booths relaxes the visitor to an English/Irish style pub. A great place to read and write with a proper pint. Literary books befitting our hero adorn the shelves along the walls.
A great place to catch a bite to eat with sandwiches named after famous writers. They really care about what comes out of the kitchen. THE St Patrick’s Day place for the tri-state area and southern Vermont as well as the World Cup every four years. Several great beers available; many local and micro brews with some seasonal ales.
Great pints on tap with Smithwick’s – Irelands oldest ale and the staple of course, Guinness!
78 Elliot St,
Brattleboro, VT 05301