Our Mission
To nurture and support the vitality of downtown Brattleboro through community and economic development.
We recently completed our Five Year Strategic Plan and are thrilled about where we’re headed. Join us in building the future of downtown Brattleboro! Supporting the work of the DBA means our organization can grown and downtown will thrive. Here’s what you can expect from us.
The DBA is supported by you! The more paying members we have, the stronger we are as an organization, and the more we can do for our community. You can support the DBA and Downtown Brattleboro in many ways, but here are two important ones to consider:
If you are within the DID lines become a paying member to receive voting privileges. We rely on paying members to guide our annual budget with their votes. Connect with us on our social media to see what we’re up to.
From supporting our businesses through the pandemic to working on town beautification projects, we have Brattleboro’s back. The DBA is determined to improve the vitality of the downtown area and collaborate on programs that benefit our community.
DBA is committed to fostering a diverse and representative community of volunteers, staff and participants. We aim to create programming that is uplifting, safe and open to all with an appreciation and respect for a full spectrum of individual differences – cultural, racial, religious, socio-economic, or based on sexual identity, gender, physical, developmental or intellectual ability.
We currently have no open positions.
email coordinator@brattleboro.com for more information
For the latest news and happenings in Downtown Brattleboro and in the DBA, please email us, join our newsletter, or visit us on Facebook!